
Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Off to the land of tea and crumpits

I think I'm still recovering from the cupcake show. I haven't painted anything since then. I did complete one portrait for Karl's bosses as a 'thank-you' gift but thats about as far as I've gotten regarding personal projects. My little art room is still pretty much in ruins and in dire need of some organization. But that will have to wait until I get back from ENGLAAAAAAND!

Yep - in 48 hours, my boss and I will be en route to Manchester for the annual tattoo convention. I honestly dont' know what to expect. Its a big convention with LOTS of international artists. Can you say networking?? I'd like to think I'm going to shop my ass off but I've heard its quite expensive over there so I'm not holding out high hopes :P I wish I was getting tattooed but again, not exactly swimming in extra income at the moment.

Wish me luck and stay tuned for pictures and video!

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